Like Rodin's Thinker, I was almost lost in thought,

As I whiled away a lifetime trying to figure out

That to which I might justifiably "Eureka" shout.

Until finally, I understood what everybody ought.

The real self is embedded in the image in which we are made.

Self-realization is the end of games being played.

Helping Others Get to Know Themselves

"If I have knowledge about myself, I can increase my freedom and my power to live my life meaningfully."

Sidney M. Jourard, Disclosing Man to Himself

In this course you will acquire not only a basic understanding of developmental bibliotherapy, but you will be taught and equipped with the bibliotherapy resource books to conduct individual and group sessions in a way that fosters personal growth.

Interactive bibliotherapy can be a growth experience for facilitators as well as participants. Whether you are a counselor, social worker, teacher or perhaps even a parent interested in an effective means of promoting your children's character development, you will be able to use right away the knowledge and bibliotherapy literature supplied as part of the course.

This course will provide practical guidance in how to use make use of the bibliotherapy resource books that I have written and formatted. Three of these publications are included in the price of the course. These original poems and short stories are formatted with creative writing exercises to enlarge the possibilities of effective developmental interactions.


Bibliotherapy Education Project: "This is an excellent collection of poems with totally wonderful exercises at the bottom of each poem. In addition the author(s) has a clear introduction and a clear explanation...regarding how this book can be used...the poems are artfully crafted with apparent care and this is a very appropriate tool to use within educational and community contexts to promote learning and expression of ideas and feelings which is exactly what the use of Developmental Bibliotherapy is all about. Well done." Dr. Dale-Elizabeth Pehrsson, President Clarion University.


Rated “Excellent Choice” by a Bibliotherapy Education Project evaluation which  has this  to say about David Washington’s Go Home Danger :


This book is an excellent resource for working with adolescents struggling to try to fit in. It also can be helpful when dealing with grief and loss. Clients will be able to recognize and process emotions evoked by the material. The end of the book provides excellent questions to address the above issues and will help the client and counselor interact and build the therapeutic relationship.

Bibliotherapy Education Project (copyright)

Central Michigan University


Therapeutic Use The evaluator suggested the following possible uses for this book: Individual and group client/student reading, Reading for enactment, Reading to the client, Reading together, Silent Reading, Classroom guidance and learning activities

Does the content promote discussion? Yes, the questions and discussion activities are well done and will draw out student communication.

Does the content facilitate client growth? Yes, it also facilitates problem solving which is appropriate for Developmental Bibliotherapy goals.

Does the book explore problems that need to be introduced to children? Yes, particularly for pre-adolescents and teens who are struggling with acceptance, morality, decision-making and social peer pressure.

Does the book explore problems that need to be introduced to adolescents? Absolutely, this book is on target.

Bibliotherapy Education Project

One-time purchase